Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Online Testing for Adults
Accessible & Straightforward Assessment for ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common type of neurodevelopmental disorder that may impact children and adults. While many people receive assessment and diagnosis for this condition at a young age, adults may also want to receive ADHD assessment. For some, they were diagnosed earlier in life, and they’re interested in learning more about how their diagnosis may still be impacting them. For others, they’ve struggled with symptoms that indicate ADHD their entire lives, and they never received a diagnosis or treatment. Whatever your situation, online ADHD testing for adults offers numerous benefits. From finding the necessary resources to perform better at work to harnessing your inner strengths to overcome challenges associated with your diagnosis, taking the step to receive assessment can be life changing. On this page, we’ll walk through some of the many ways that assessment and diagnosis for ADHD is beneficial and what you can expect from the process working with the OAT (Online Adult Testing) team.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental conditions. This condition impacts the ability of a person to control executive functioning, including memory, organization, attention, self-control, problem solving, and prioritization. The executive dysfunction related to ADHD presents in one of three ways: impulsive/hyperactive, inattentive/distractable, and combined. In order to provide diagnosis of ADHD, psychologists utilize criteria outlined by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The criteria for impulsive/hyperactive and inattentive/distractable type ADHD are outlined below. Combined type indicates a combination of the other two forms of ADHD.
Symptoms of Impulsive/Hyperactive Type ADHD
- Seems to be always moving. May present as finger or toe tapping, squirming, pacing, or getting up out of the seat even when this is inappropriate or unexpected.
- May not wait their turn in conversations frequently interrupting or speaking over others.
- Struggles to wait their turn in general during games, in lines, may give answers before the question is asked, etc.
- Has a persistent feeling of restlessness or feel like they have a lot of pent-up energy.
- Doesn’t seem to enjoy or want to partake in hobbies or pastimes that involve relaxation and quiet.
- Acts without thinking through the consequences of actions.
- Talks excessively.
Symptoms of Inattentive/Distractable Type ADHD
- Fails to pay attention, especially to small details or for extended time periods. May present as making careless errors or overlooking part of a task.
- Has difficulty maintaining attention for extended periods of time during activities.
- Frequently forgets promises or fails to complete daily activities.
- Is easily distracted by outside factors during activities.
- May seem like they’re not listening or fail to pay full attention to other people during conversations.
- Misplaces items frequently.
- Struggles to prioritize tasks or stay organized.
- Often fails to finish projects.
- Dislikes or avoids tasks that require concentrating over long periods of time.
Who Is at Risk for ADHD?
Anyone of any age can be diagnosed with ADHD. Children are more likely to be diagnosed with this condition, but it can continue into adulthood or even be first diagnosed in adults. While there is not one underlying cause of ADHD, some factors that may increase risk include:
- Genetics – those who have one or more blood relatives who have been diagnosed with ADHD are much more likely to be diagnosed themselves.
- Challenges to pregnancy and labor – this may include maternal drug, alcohol, or tobacco use as well as premature birth, low birth weight, and other issues surrounding birth and pregnancy.
- Chemical & toxin exposure – while there’s no exact, causal link between toxin and chemical exposure and ADHD, studies indicate a high number of people diagnosed with this condition have exposure to chemical or toxins, especially in childhood.
- Diagnosis with other conditions – conditions like learning disabilities, substance use disorders, anxiety, mood disorders, autism spectrum disorder, or tic disorders may contribute to a greater frequency of ADHD.

How Is ADHD Diagnosed?
Because ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts multiple aspects of a person’s life, it can be difficult to diagnose without thorough assessment. There is not one test that can be given to confirm ADHD diagnosis. Instead, the OAT team will administer a battery of tests to ensure we have a conclusive answer that differentiates between other similar conditions and provides answer to the questions you have about the symptoms and experiences you deal with that are indicative of ADHD diagnosis. Of the DSM-5 criteria outlined above, children (aged 17 or younger) must meet at least six of the criteria in one or both categories (inattention and hyperactivity) to be diagnosed with ADHD. Adults only need to meet five of the qualifying criteria in one or both categories to receive diagnosis. Additionally, our assessments take into consideration the fact that these diagnostic criteria may present differently in adults compared to children. For example, hyperactivity in children may be obvious, presenting as running around or always moving. In adults, hyperactivity may look like restlessness, talking too much, or irritating friends and loved ones with their inability to relax.
Who Can Receive Online ADHD Assessment?
The OAT team provides online ADHD assessments for adults aged 18 and up via telehealth. We are an LGBTQIA+ and gender-affirming practice, so all are welcome and will be treated with respect. Due to PsyPact, Dr. Sanders and the OAT team are able to provide telehealth assessment services for residents of the states who have joined PsyPact. During all assessment sessions, you need to be physically located within a PsyPact state. The participating states are listed below, but please let us know if you have any questions.
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
What Is the ADHD Online Testing Process?
- Use our contact button to get in touch with our administrator
- You will be directed to set up an account using the TherapyPortal portal and offered an appointment date and time
- Complete consent forms within 48 hours and pay the $500 deposit to secure your appointment
- Dr. Sanders will evaluate your intake information and respond in the TherapyPortal messaging portal about two weeks prior to your appointment
- You’ll complete self-rating scales
- A family member, friend, or another person who knows you well will also be asked to complete collateral-rating scales
- Return all rating scales via the TherapyPortal messaging system prior to your appointment
- You will visit with Dr. Sanders for a telehealth appointment that generally lasts between one and three hours
- Make sure you are comfortable and in a place where you can speak privately
- Administrative staff will collect the final balance ($1,500) on your account on the day of the appointment
- Dr. Sanders will carefully review the data and compile a thorough report that provides diagnostic information as well as any recommendations for ongoing treatment
- You will receive the report in the TherapyPortal messaging portal about two to four weeks after the appointment
- A final feedback session will be scheduled to discuss diagnoses, answer any questions, and provide additional treatment recommendations
How Much Does Online ADHD Testing Cost?
Before we begin any testing services, we will provide all of the information you need to understand exactly what to expect, including the cost of your treatment. As mental health providers, it is our duty (and it should be your expectation of all medical providers) to offer a good faith estimate of the out-of-pocket costs of treatment. Good faith estimates may change, but they should never increase by more than $400. If they do, you can dispute your bill.
At OAT, we take our responsibility to provide good faith estimates very seriously. As part of the intake process, we will provide an accurate and detailed breakdown of the costs of our ASD and ADHD testing services. All of our evaluations are comprehensive. That means we take the time to carefully and thoroughly evaluate each person we work with to ensure they receive an accurate diagnosis that differentiates between ASD, ADHD, and other conditions that may present with similar symptoms.
Our comprehensive online assessments are typically $2,000, and they are payable online via credit or debit card. We do not take insurance. If you have a health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), or other supplementary spending account as part of your insurance benefits, you may also be able to utilize this funding to pay for your assessments. Consult with your benefit provider to learn more.